Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Character Profile: Police Chief Clancy Wiggum

Clancy Wiggum is the Police Chief for the Springfield Police Department (SPD) who highly enjoys eating donuts and Chintzy Pop. Clancy is assisted in the police force by Eddie and Lou. Chief Wiggum often does not have any desire for public safety or the citizens' individual rights.
Clancy Wiggum's relatives include his wife Sarah Wiggum; his son Ralph Wiggum; his nameless brother; cousin Mark; and deceased brother-in-law Fred Kanickee.

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The Simpsons Characters

The Simpsons Characters
A bunch of characters from The Simpsons

About Me

As you've probably guessed, I love "The Simpsons." It's the best TV show ever created. I also like to play tennis, and I like to play my alto saxophone.